I. Forward
II. Reflection
III. Markets
IV. Analysis and Commentary
Live view of the Tribe taking an early retirement after HUT and AMD 113 hit:
The markets have continued to pullback just as I’ve written about in my dailies, and now it’s time to reap our correct predictions. There has been lots of good fortune these last 2 months, and as I wrote yesterday in the markets section, we have some new potential winners ready to break out in the same ways HUT has. I wish those that took up the opportunity plenty of joy, and if you feel like you missed out, don’t worry, we have a lot more tricks in our book coming up. I also hope people have enjoyed the pods, Gwen and I should be recording another one tonight and we may just roast Powell in it.
If you enjoy the stack, make sure to like this post, restack, retweet, subscribe to the tribe. It goes a long way and I think 95% of those that upgrade will say they’ve seen their trading improve incredibly. But enough of the biz, let’s get down to wiz.
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."
- Chinese Proverb
I’ve generally figured out in life, the hardest thing to do in life is take the first step. But every bloody quote seems to just cover that, the first step. How about step 15, when it’s hard, and the task has become boring and you have lost sight of the finish line and all’s you remember are how bloody your hands are.
There is no glory in step 15, and there is no glory in step 21, or step 135. For the most part, there is just a desert and a mirror. The desert representing the barren land that is devoid of hope of you accomplishing your mission, with no one to cheer you on. The mirror representing that you see yourself most clearly. All the pain and suffering you undergo sitting there in patience waiting for your mission to be done. Can you bare it, can you persist through? Will you remember what the rain tastes like?
What happens if you don’t reach the glory you sought at the step where you thought you’d arrive to it at? Could you bear it, and keep on going a bit further?
I’d argue there is equal hardness in the persistence of one's goals just as much as there is hardness in daring to try. In fact, sometimes daring to try is easy and even foolhardy. Any fool can try, just look at oceangate.
What really matters at the end of the day is your level of persistence to keep taking steps even when in agony. Keep going. Breakthrough. In fact, it will make your journey all the more impressive, and you are on a journey. We all are, whether we realize it or not. But make sure it is the journey, you want to be on, and be prepared to be the one to take the next steps after the first. The most successful people in life are the ones that see things through to the end. There are no half measures, we may even call them obsessive. They are obsessive, obsessive about finding their ending. The ending that they have envisioned, because their vision is what fuels their persistence to outlast the agony. Your journey’s vision in life must consistently outweigh whatever agony you face. If it doesn’t, it’s time to fine something that does.
Thought I’d try a little symbolism with the phoenix title today. The market seems to be resembling exactly that. We’ve gotten our 2 red candles, but what does that now really mean for us?
Well, the darkpools, flow and algorithm seem to be indicating a very clear move for what’s next.