8/28 Markets Chop On
Education on Seasonality, too early to call a bounce?, Conferences upcoming to Influence Stock moves
I. Forward
II. Reflection
III. Markets
A. Education on Seasonality
B. Market Coverage
IV. Analysis and Commentary
Good Monday Everyone, I won’t mince too many words, but I am very happy with the success we achieved last week as we know make our pivot.
This substack is also now officially 3 months old, I sincerely appreciate all the support this Tribe has given to allow me to do this. I hope you have enjoyed this journey, and I look forward to continuing to write, podcast, deep dive, educate, and wizard. This is truly a magical experience.
I try to put a lot of time into this, and I am deeply thankful and humbled by everyone who has signed up to support the ole wiz. Keep sticking with me and I will be sure to do my best to guide you through.
Today, I spend a lot more time covering some educational bits on what seasonality means, and some good data to understand about SPY 0.00%↑ - SPY.
I also take serious pride in this being an affordable educational site. I am adding a veteran discount on top of adding student discounts to subscriptions.
VETERAN DISCOUNTS FOR WIZ SUBSTACK (need a vmail.vet address)
STUDENT DISCOUNTS for WIZ SUBSTACK (need an educational institution address)
If you enjoy the stack, make sure to like this post, restack, retweet, subscribe to the tribe. It goes a long way and I think 95% of those that upgrade will say they’ve seen their trading improve incredibly. But enough of the biz, let’s get down to wiz.
To step into the public arena is a fickle job. Many will hate you for it, many will be silent, few will be staunch supporters of you.
If you want to be known, you need to be able to develop the don’t give a fuck mindset. You can’t be afraid to offend, you can’t be afraid of what people might think. Because in order to do what you do, the majority of people will not be able to think like you.
Education on Seasonality
Oh that stock is seasonal.
Have you heard this before but not understood what people were referring to?