I. Forward
II. Reflection
III. Markets
IV. Analysis and Commentary
BIG WINS and VINDICATION in HUT, RIVN (yesterday’s post), and SNOW (chat notification). Often times the market will test your conviction in the trade. How bad do you really want it, and how much do you really believe? It always comes down to timing. The people that joined the HUT trade on Thursday are as vindicated as those who took it on at the start of June. We can’t time anything perfectly, but at the end of the day it is about catching the majority of the move. If you missed the move, that’s ok, there are a lot more opportunities to come. If ended green, make sure to take those winnings off the table. Keep mastering your trade. There is always more work to be done.
I hope the whole tribe benefited, and I am happy to be on such a run over the last 2 months.
If you enjoy the stack, make sure to like this post, restack, retweet, subscribe to the tribe. It goes a long way and I think 95% of those that upgrade will say they’ve seen their trading improve incredibly. But enough of the biz, let’s get down to wiz.
"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart."
Marcus Aurelius
I may be small, but I am quite mighty. Look at all that I am and you will see that I am both brave, and worthy of a great life. For I love deep, fight for what moves my soul, and watch over others. There is greatness within me, just as there is greatness in you.
Vixperation looms tomorrow, with it, I actually expect a small rotation back higher in coordination with the VIX suppression. What is curious is even with the vixperation we still saw most of the market taking a breather generally rotating lower.
Still however, darkpools don’t look done. Which spells out the runway for us a bit here.