I. Forward
II. Reflection
III. Markets
IV. Analysis and Commentary
Wild days and Wild Times, but the Tribe has again absolutely thrashed markets flying in the face of most popular opinion that there was a bottom last wednesday, and that this time is different.
After about 600 years or so, you start to realize nothing really changes other than the piles and pools of money you wrack up.
Our plays on NVDA, TSLA, ASML, ABNB, all were in the 100-200%+ range, and the day isn’t even done yet.
I promised this tribe, I would guide you threw to the best ability I can, because to me this isn’t about me being right, its about making a change in the system. It is about empowering you all so that we can inspire good in the world. It is about undoing what Wall Street has done since the 80’s, robbed the middle and lower classes. I will teach you everything I know, teach you to think like a fund and trade like one.
There are so many new comers, this substack has a ton of resources:
An Education Page
Daily Education and Daily Commentary on Markets in the Chat
Daily Paper w an education section, and a section on how to achieve self-mastery
An Ole Wiz ;)
Make sure you stay on top of using your resources, I really mean it when I say I want to see you succeed. Additionally, make sure you go back and read my old papers especially the one’s starting around 8/11 which discuss the liquidity environment change and how we got to where we are today.
My only goal in my writing is to be a symbol of hope, to lift others up, and to be a source of strength when you need it to go a little further. Just remember that I am always with you, and that my love for you exceeds what you will ever know. I am sending energy and extra strength to all of you today and everyday to be agents of change.
I also take serious pride in this being an affordable educational site. I am adding a veteran discount on top of adding student discounts to subscriptions.
STUDENT DISCOUNTS for WIZ SUBSTACK (need an educational institution address)
If you enjoy the stack, make sure to like this post, restack, retweet, subscribe to the tribe. It goes a long way and I think 95% of those that upgrade will say they’ve seen their trading improve incredibly. But enough of the biz, let’s get down to wiz.
Meditation for Mindfulness
May I be present in this moment.
May I be aware of my thoughts, feelings, and sensations.
May I be kind and compassionate to myself and others.
May I let go of the past and the future.
May I be open to the present moment.
You can pray this prayer silently, to yourself, or out loud. You can also add your own personalizations to the prayer, such as specific things you want to be more mindful of or specific areas of your life where you need help.
Mindfulness is a practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It can be used to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also help to improve focus, concentration, and creativity.