I. Forward
II. Reflection
III. Markets
IV. Analysis and Commentary
The problem with me saying I’ll just write a late paper is I always then get stuck chatting on the phone for several hours. I’m not sure how many people still understand what a phone is, but its the thing you play games on.
I’m not quite sure what to say, it’s been an incredible week, but we seem to have an incredible week every week, and at some point that just becomes what you regard as my standard of normal. We have indeed nailed almost every twist and turn of this chop in a nightmarish market where many are not even nearly as fortunate as the tribe, and even tonight with what was left on into close seems it will do well tomorrow.
We had NVDA 0.00%↑ - NVDA go from puts down to 238 > 220. We have wrestled SQQQ into multiple 100% gains. We cleverly took calls into close last Friday and caught the green monday, which was the only green day in the last 5 days. Monday afternoon we positioned back short, Tuesday, just the same. The call out this morning was 431.95 on SPY, 363.94 on QQQ. Both hit.
That’s all great, it’s not been much of a challenge, and I have no complaints to any of that. While doing all this, I updated the education page today and added more resources.
Discord is still a work in progress, other things pushed it to the side, but I’ll get back to it shortly here. I would like to keep adding value to this community and your subscription because I think it will end up doing a lot of good for all of us in the tribe.
I also take serious pride in this being an affordable educational site. I am adding a veteran discount on top of adding student discounts to subscriptions.
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If you enjoy the stack, make sure to like this post, restack, retweet, subscribe to the tribe. It goes a long way and I think 95% of those that upgrade will say they’ve seen their trading improve incredibly. But enough of the biz, let’s get down to wiz.
Too often in life we are in a hurry to get where we’re going. It’s a misconception that in life you need to rush or you will miss it. We have dreams, and since we know this life is fleeting, we often sacrifice the corners or don’t take the time to properly learn the discipline that it takes to keep your dream.